Somos uma startup fundada em Março de 2020, em plena pandemia, que nasceu com o propósito de revolucionar o jeito como nos alimentamos, tanto no prato quanto na vida. Ao longo dos anos, temos reunidos dados alarmantes e chocantes que fundamentam todo o nosso trabalho.
Nos últimos 500 anos a sociedade vem se transformando, e cada vez mais, invertendo princípios básicos para uma vida equilibrada: Dormir, respirar, jejuar, caminhar, relaxar e contemplar tornaram-se o novo luxo.
A obesidade mata mais do que a fome.
O stress, a ansiedade e depressão são as doenças do sécul.
56% dos nossos solos estão degradados, produzimos alimentos com poucos nutrientes.
1/3 do que produzimos é desperdiçado, sendo que 1/4 disso acabaria com a fome no planeta
74% das doenças são crônicas e evitáveis
70% das consultas médicas seriam dispensadas se tivéssemos uma nutrição equilibrada.
We are a startup founded in March 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, which was born with the purpose of revolutionizing the way we eat, both on our plates and in life.
Over the years, we have gathered alarming and shocking data that informs all of our work.
In the last 500 years, we have gone from an industrial and sectorized society to an accelerated, global technological revolution that has led to the reversal of the basic principles for a balanced life.
Sleeping, breathing, fasting, walking, relaxing and contemplating have become the new luxury.
Today, at a global level: obesity kills more than hunger, 56% of our soils are degraded, ⅓ of what we produce is wasted, stress, anxiety and depression are the diseases of the century, 74% of diseases are chronic and preventable and 70% of medical appointments would be avoided if we had balanced nutrition.
At a collective level, it was published in a United Nations report that the world is sick and the population is suffering more than ever.
It is clear that:
Today we are a team of 12 people from various “classes, tribes, histories and origins”, advised and supported by more than 7 consultants and investors from various specializations and nationalities who together are creating a community of thousands of people spread across the world focused on health and well-being of all people and the planet.
The journey is long, crazy and challenging to truly change the way we eat. But as the popular saying goes: only crazy people change the world.
This is our mission.